Sunday, February 14, 2021

 2021 News!

I used the quarantine time to record an "album" of acoustic instrumental songs. It's being published by 88FE Records, a label that specializes in eclectic, guitar-driven music who I've done session work with in the past. It's called "Ain't That Bad" and it should be out soon!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

2016 News!

     Okay, I am not going to lie and say that I'll be posting a lot of content here. In fact, the only thing I seem to do with any regularity on this site is renew the domain name.

     But there is some news to report. Some of the guys from Digital South/Jericho Siren are getting back together to play the songs! I'm currently working on some demos so we have something with which to practice. I think we will try to update the sound in places that sound too dated. But I am sure that muscle memory will be tough to overcome.

     I will post updates as details emerge.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

2015 Update!

Man, Google is going to end up owning everything, aren't they? This blog/site wasn't always hosted on Google. I guess it would be rude to complain about the manner in which people provide me FREE services, though.

 On the off chance anyone visits this site, I'm still here! I don't post as much music, but i'm still creating. I spent the better part of a year getting my recording setup back in working order. It's amazing how having a job gets in the way of your free time. ;)

 Bother has switched their digital distribution to a new provider but it has not gone live yet. We are slowly working on new material and hope to complete a new "album" at some point. But LIFE happens, and we are working within its confines. Since the last CD, 2 members have gotten married and one had a child. I got a "fur baby"I love like a daughter and another gold bar on my blackbelt.

 I'm trying to let the new material be more progressive. With "Bothered" the goal was to be accessible to people that may not listed to that type of music. But this time we're going to make music to please ourselves and people can either love it or leave it.

 I'll try to be more diligent in posting updates. May the Google be with you!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy 2013!

Okay, i've found that it's much easier to just post music to SoundCloud and embed links than it is to do stoopid videos and post them on YouTube. So I created 2 accounts. One for parodies, and one for serious musical expression.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Back to Business!

Hey, if you're going to have a website, you should update it every few years! I miss not being able to put music files on here anymore. I'm going to see how easy it is to put a video containing the music. Which begs the question, "If you can post video WHY can't you post audio!?" This is a parody I did about Danica Patrick to the tune of Adam Sandler's "Hanukkah Song".

Monday, March 22, 2010

What's New

I finally updated this site!
You can buy my band's CD digitally by clicking the "iTunes" link at the right or buy the physical CD through the CDBaby link.
We are currently working to get the Website launched.
Also, you can hear my latest sports parodies by going to and searching "The Mack Attack" podcasts for my name mis-spelled a variety of ways!